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Here you can find further helpful documents and case studies from our customers

Use our downloads to define your requirements for the digitalization of core processes in service & maintenance. Our case studies from our customers give you an overview of the potential that is possible.

Downloads & Case Studies der SIMPL Technologies GmbH

Downloads & Case Studies

SIMPL Checkliste - 5 Bereiche der Digitalisierung in Service und Wartung

Checklist – 5 Areas of Digitalization

Are you planning to digitalize your service processes? Would a comprehensive overview of all relevant aspects be helpful? This document provides you with a clear and compact overview of the most important areas that you should consider in order to successfully digitalize your core processes in service and maintenance.

Kundenreferenz Weldotherm von SIMPL

Customer Reference – Weldotherm

Asset management, QR codes and transparency about your own installed base are important to you? Find out here how our customer Weldotherm equipped its annealing systems with QR codes and was thus able to digitize customer inquiries.

SIMPL Kundenreferenz wagner GmbH

Customer Reference – Wagner Eschweiler GmbH

Find out here how our customer Wagner Eschweiler was able to digitalize its entire core service processes with SIMPL. The result is not only transparent and efficient processes, but also significantly better communication throughout the entire team.

SIMPL Vorlage für einen Wartungsplan für Maschinen und Anlagen

Maintenance Plan Template

Would you like to draw up a maintenance plan for your machines and systems? In this Excel table, you can define maintenance activities over 52 calendar weeks according to machine areas, activities or responsibilities.

Lastenheft für Deine Servicelösung von SIMPL

Specifications for Your Service Solution

Choosing a suitable software solution can be overwhelming. There are numerous relevant areas, from capturing the current state to relevant aspects of data security. Get a comprehensive insight with our specification sheet, which we have compiled for you.

Case Study: SIMPL und i-flow ermöglichen digitales und automatisiertes Wartungsmanagement

Case Study – Automated Maintenance Management

Many manufacturing companies are still stuck in reactive maintenance and are often years away from truly “predictive” maintenance. But it doesn’t have to stay that way! In our latest case study, together with i-flow, we show how the integration of digital solutions in maintenance management can succeed and what challenges need to be overcome.