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Transparent inquiry & order system

Stay on top of your customer inquiries and orders. Starting from the inquiry, through the planning to the execution, you can track and control your orders in real-time.

Zwei Mitarbeiter am Tablet, welche Tickets durchscrollen


Time needed to create a new inquiry


time saved by seeking out information per week


Transparency about current inquiries & orders

The Problem

Numerous emails, phone calls, on-site inquiries via the service technician – there are various channels through which you receive inquiries every day.

  • Complicated handling of different media such as paperwork and emails
  • No transparency about current customer enquiries
  • No central processing channels and poor database for order processing
Verschiedene Datensilos, die für ein Chaos im Betrieb und im Service in Unternehmen sorgen
QR Code Anfragen von Maschinen und Anlagen

The Solution

Ticketing & order system for all customer inquiries – whether by e-mail, telephone or any other channel.

  • Central point of contact for customer inquiries, whether e-mails directly in SIMPL or inquiries via a QR code
  • All information in one place ensures full transparency and optimal order processing
  • Simple categorization and assignment to existing customers, assets or orders

“Thanks to SIMPL, the paperwork in our company is finally a thing of the past. We now record customer inquiries and orders, including all relevant service reports and maintenance logs, centrally in a single solution. This not only gives us full transparency of all orders, but has also noticeably improved communication within the entire team.”

Britt van DeursenBereichsleiterin bei Wagner Eschweiler GmbH

Inquiry- & Ordersytem for more transparency in service


Combine requests from the phone, email, QR Codes or your customer portal in the inquiry & order system. This gives you full transparency about the current status and allows you to resopnd to your customers in the best possible way.
Übersicht über bestehende Anfragen und Assets

All information in one place

Coordinate all inquiries and orders centrally in one overview. You always have an overview of which inquiries are currently being processed, have a high priority or are assigned to whom.

This way, everyone knows what they have to do or who is currently responsible for providing the best possible service to the customer.

Intuitive and transparent order management

One-click order creation - through email forwarding

You have received a customer inquiry by mail? Just forward them to SIMPL! The data is automatically transferred, assigned to the respective customer and all relevant information is saved as a new inquiry.

No inconvenient data entry

Auftragserstellung für Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer
Statusübersicht im Ticketingsystem

The status always at a glance

You can always see the status of the respective inquiry or order at a glance – regardless of whether a new inquiry has been received, is currently being processed or has just been completed.
By assigning a priority, you can always see how important a job is – or whether urgent action is required.

The most important information at a glance

The Central Inquiry & Order System for all Your Requests & Orders


We will show you what is possible
A shirt, non-binding discussion with our experts
Transparency across all processes with SIMPL

Personal contact

For us, excellent customer service goes without saying. We are always here to help you with questions and answers – free of charge.

Intuitive user navigation

Intuitive and simple user guidance is a top priority. This is the only way to enable your employees to enjoy working with SIMPL and to require only a short training period.

Secure data storage

For the further processing of the data we exclusively use servers that are ISO 27001 certified in Germany. This is also the standard according to which online banks operate.