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Service Growth & After-Sales

Do you want to strategically expand your service business and generate higher turnover in after-sales at the same time? Transparency, insight into existing machine and customer histories and data-driven dashboards form the basis for your service growth.

Steuerung des After-Sales im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
Functional Areas of SIMPL

Proactive and transparent service

Customer History 

Create ttransparency about your installed base and thus also the customer history


Attach QR-Codes with your logo to the machine so that you are always present with the customer

Customer Portal

Provide your customer with direct access to a customer portal for inquiries or files & documents

Dashboard & Analytics

Systematically track relevant service metrics and identify upselling potentials

Spare Parts

Proactively offer your customers spare parts based on machine history

Key service figures always at hand

If you systematically record key figures in Service & After-Sales, you can better manage your service and proactively approach your customers for service growth.

  • Quick and easy overview of current service processes
  • Insights into the status quo and thus the derivation of potential in service
  • Proactive customer approach through historical data for more service growth
Servicekennzahlen für einen proaktiven Service
Alle Prozesse an einem Ort für einen proaktiven Service

Proactive Service

Transparent key figures ensure one thing above all – the basis for proactive action!

  • Recommended actions based on historical data ensure more service growth
  • Sets of rules for recurring (maintenance) measures
  • Establishment of maintenance plans with your customers

Visibility for customers through QR codes

QR codes are a quick and easy way to establish digital service processes and increase customer visibility.

  • QR codes on every machine or system
  • Receivecustomer inquiries via QR codes
  • Constant visibility leads to increased customer inquiries
Sichtbarkeit beim Kunden durch QR-Codes und Kundenportal

“ Since the introduction of SIMPL, we have systematically recorded our machines and equipment in the field of heat treatment technology. As a result, we now have complete transparency over our entire installed base, including the life cycle records. Customer inquiries can be made directly via the QR codes on the equipment, and the tedious task of printing manuals is finally a thing of the past.”

Ralf BistritzProkurist bei WELDOTHERM Gesellschaft für Wärmetechnik m.b.H.

Strategic service growth & higher turnover in After-Sales


We will show you what is possible
A short, non-binding discussion with our experts
Features that will help you 

Personal contact

For us, excellent customer service goes without saying. We are always here to help you with questions and answers – free of charge.

Intuitive user navigation

We have emphasized an intuitive and simple user interface. This is the only way to enable your employees to enjoy working with SIMPL and to require only a short training period.

Secure data storage

For the further processing of the data we exclusively use servers that are ISO 27001 certified in Germany. This is also the standard according to which online banks operate.